RelockCenter axis relock system manual

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Center Axis Relock (CAR) is a shooting system primarily intended for close quarters battle invented by Paul Castle.

  • We're proud to offer our students training using the Center Axis Relock (C.A.R.) system, developed by Paul Castle of Sabre Tactical, via IPD Systems.
  • This is the first time I've heard of 'center axis relock' shooting. Originally Posted By. Jeff Johnsgaard - CAR System Demonstration.
Adhering to Paul Castle's wishes of positioning the C.A.R. Firearms Training Program for Civilians, Identify-Point-Fire, LLC has officially taken up the challenge of formally following Paul's wishes! Two Ranges have already been used as C.A.R. Training Locations: the Delray Shooting Center in Delray Beach and Okeechobee Shooting Sports Center in Okeechobee. Ten of our Students have already started the process of becoming highly trained C.A.R. Practitioners. C.A.R. is 'not' for everyone! Candidates will go thru a Pre-Qualification Evaluation to determine if they are ready to enroll in the Program.
If you are not familiar with C.A.R., please continue reading below. Otherwise contact Bob & Jolyn on this site for additional information Program Registration information.
Center Axis Relock [C.A.R]. is a comprehensive, Close Quarter Combat Self Defense System, developed by Paul Castle, that is a synergy between the recognized Combat Triad Concept [Gun Handling, Marksmanship & Mindset Skills] and Paul Castle’s concept of Power, Accuracy & Speed. The end result is the creation of a Mobile Fighting Platform that that is not designed for a traditional “square” range and a “static firing line” position. It is, however, designed to give each C.A.R. Practitioner the ability to defensively fight in a 360 degree movement pattern successfully.
C.A.R. is designed to address, as a minimum, the following real-life tactical scenarios for “Trained Civilians” who are legally armed:
1.Prevent a Car Jacking from the Driver’s Side of a vehicle if you are approached from the Driver’s Side of the Vehicle?;
2.Prevent a Car Jacking from the Driver’s Side of a vehicle if you are approached from the Passenger Side of the vehicle?;
3.Prevent a Car Jacking if you are seated on the Passenger’s Side of a vehicle if approached from the Driver’s Side of the Vehicle?;
4.Prevent a Car Jacking from the Passenger Side of a vehicle if you are approached from the Passenger Side of that vehicle?;
5.Help you respond tactically to a “Home Invasion” if you had to reach a friend or family who was trapped on the opposite side of your house or is on another floor? and
6.Help you successfully respond tactically if you are attacked in a confined/restricted space?
1.The C.A.R. Platform, once mastered, will create a “Circle-of-Control”. This means that the Practitioner is able to move his/her body 360 degrees, as needed, to focus on and respond to threats from any direction
2.C.A.R. teach the Practitioner to Shoot while moving;
3.Will increase the Practitioner’s Target Acquisition Ability and increase their ability to make multiple hits on their targets consistently;
4.Trains each C.A.R. Practitioner to Shoot Ambidextrously;
5.The C.A.R. Platform reduces the size of the Practitioner as a “Large” Target;
6.The C.A.R. Firing Platform will reduce weapon recoil by at least 90%;
7.C.A.R. Firing Platform will increase/reinforce the Practitioner’s ability to retain their Weapon(s);
8.The C.A.R. System utilizes a 2-Tier Marksmanship Skill-Set [Aiming & Point Shooting];
9.The C.A.R. System is totally designed as a Close Quarter Combat System.
Originally Posted by trainor
dOES IT WIN MATCHES, against the top men using other systems? If not, why not?
I agree with Williams. I do however see your point. Because we are not comparing apples to apples,the J-Turn in Executive Protection can't be challenged with, 'Does it win the Indy 500? If not, why not?' The CAR seems to be a great system for some situations, but probably would not have been Castle's choice if taking a shot at 50 yards for precision. Perhaps an IDPA match with all targets very close along with other modifications would be a good comparison test?

Center Axis Relock System Manuals Online Free

Center Axis Relock System Manual

Center Axis Relock System Manual

Center Axis Relock System Manuals Online Free

Your point is good though. Thshootinggn world is filled with thousands of instructors who want to invent the newest hottest thing, and the chic systems ought to undergo quality scientific testing. -Shepard Humphries